How Yoga Builds Your Mental Muscle for Life and Business with Viviane Wolfe

podcast yoga Mar 05, 2019

I've heard people say that mindfulness is the new running, meaning that mindfulness is going to be the next big health craze to gain mass appeal, just as running did in the 70s and again in the 90s. When we think of mindfulness, we often think of meditation, which has tons of benefits (such as helping with pain, anxiety and depression, calming the mind, enhancing creativity, helping with age-related memory loss, reducing stress and more). However, the idea of sitting in a dark room and doing nothing can be intimidating... and can sound really boring to those of us with busy minds!! So, I was excited to interview Viviane Wolfe about yoga because yoga has its own benefits, in addition to the benefits that meditation brings. 

If you are a chronic restarter -- you find yourself setting a goal, and starting over again and again and again -- you need this FREE 30 Day Course I'm offering. Crush Your Goals (for real, without being a chronic re-starter) starts on March 11th. It's not a...

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