PODCAST EPISODE 138: Take the Pressure Off End-of-Year Expectations Around Resolutions

resolutions Dec 24, 2020

We are in that time of year where we are winding down, and there's pressure to put big goals out there for achieving big things in the coming year. 

The problem with new year's resolutions is that they don't last. In two weeks, the majority of us will forget all about the resolutions we set while sitting in front of the fire with a glass of wine.

Change is HARD, and our bodies and minds naturally resist change. After a year where we faced challenge after challenge, the thought of setting resolutions may seem daunting. (And, I'm not much of a resolution person to begin with.)

Rather than setting resolutions, which feel a lot like a list of things  I can and can't do, I prefer to choose a word of the year, which I think of as a word that guides my decisions. When faced with two compelling opportunities, which one is more in alignment with the word I chose at the beginning of the year? When tempted to go down another rabbit hole, or try yet another new thing, is it...

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resolutions Dec 21, 2020

We are officially in "New Year, New You" season, that time of the year where all the ads prey on your insecurities and try to convince you that their product will make you love your life and make you 1000% more fabulous. 

Advertisers are counting on you to think you're old, fat, wrinkled, and out of shape. So, let's get this straight: you are more than your appearance, your age, your pace, your shoe size, or the size of your yoga pants. You are amazing just the way you are. 

Are you loving and kind, do you make time for the people who are important to you? Do you stand up for people who don't have a voice? Who don't have the same privilege as you? Do you care about other people? These are the things that matter: who you are on the inside.

 At a recent visit to see my doctor, he said something that really hit home for me. He said: Health is pretty simple. You need quality sleep; food that nourishes, and hydration. And, you exercise; make time for connections,...

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Stop Sabotaging Your Success: 10 Things You MUST Stop Doing

No matter who you are, or what your goal, you don't need to be an elite athlete to benefit from approaching life like a champion.

So you want to:

get in shape / lose weight / launch a new business / build a career / get cast on Broadway / just get through  your junior year of high school / excel at a new sport / save money for your dream vacation / pay cash for your dream retirement home ....

Whatever it is, we all have that thing we want to achieve or do. All too often, we are the ones standing in the way of our own success.  Without knowing it, we sabotage ourselves with thinking and habits that do not support our goals. 

Ten Ways to Stop Sabotaging Your Success:

  1. Stop expecting immediate results. Understand everything is a process. Take the pressure off yourself, and instead, focus on being consistent. Focused, consistent effort over time will pay off.

  2. Stop saying, "I can't..." Eliminate the phrase from your vocabulary. Tell yourself, "Yes, I can!" I can stick...
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