Jump-Start Your Journey with these Free Resources

Coach Kim Peek knows what it's like to be... 

a new runner, a new mom who is self-conscious about her body, a breast cancer survivor who needs to regain upper body mobility and strength, an enthusiastic kayaker new to a challenging sport, and a runner who needs to learn how to overcome injuries. 

No matter where you're starting, Kim can help you achieve things you never even imagined.

Kim turns her own bumps and twists in the road of life into programs and workshops to help you grow!

It's Time to Tri!

Check out the podcasts Coach Kim recorded for National Triathlon week and follow  to get more resources for new triathletes and women 50+ who are new to the sport.

Show me the tri tools!

Train Your Brain - Mindset Resources 

The words we tell ourselves matter. What we believe becomes our truth, and that story dictates our health, performance and success. Click here to check out mindset resources. More will be added. 

Feed My Brain!

Power Up Your Performance

Tune in to Power Up Your Performance, Kim's podcast where she covers topics to help you run for resilience, empowerment, confidence, and fun. Tune in twice each week on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Search Power Up Your Performance.

Browse episodes here!

I’m the author of Holistic Endurance Training, and I believe that movement has the power to transform lives—not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. As you push through the miles, the workouts, the laps, you tap into strength you never knew existed, and you find the mental clarity needed to start building your dream life. 

My focus is on helping women embrace purpose, resilience, and bold living. If you're ready to rewrite your story and step into the bold life you've always imagined, let’s connect and start your journey together.


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